National Tobacco Control Strategy (NTCS) 2022-2030

Federal Minister For National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (NHSR&C)

The Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination has launched the National Tobacco Control Strategy 2022-2030 in collaboration with provincial health departments.Tobacco Control Cell, M/o NHSR&C carried out the much-needed policy direction in the shape of National Tobacco Control Strategy (NTCS) 2022-2030 in joint collaboration with WHO and Bloomberg Initiative (The Union). A systematic way forward to address the huge volume of hazards of tobacco. Tobacco serves as one of the major preventable risk factors for developing Non communicable diseases (NCDs). Given the increasing burden of NCDs in Pakistan, a robust policy response was required to address the tobacco control challenge in the country.

  • Key Fact

    Tobacco kills up to half of its users.

  • In World

    Globally, tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year.

  • In Pakistan

    In Pakistan tobacco use remains a major public health challenge claiming 163,500 lives annually. This shows 440 deaths in a day.

  • Health effects

    Tobacco users who die prematurely deprive their families of income, raise healthcare cost & hinder development.

1st Ramadan : National Quit Day for Smoking

1. Let's create a smoke-free environment so our next generations can breathe freely.
2. Quitting smoking is the best thing you could ever do for your health now.
3. We all deserve the right to breathe clean air. Don't Smoke.
4. Smoking kills more people than any other addiction. We must educate our young generation about the detrimental impact of smoking on health.
5. We can't lose sight of the lives lost due to smoking. Let's make our next generation tobacco-free.
6. Protect your loved ones from secondhand smoke. Quit smoking today.

Welcome to Tobacco Control Cell, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Pakistan.

Tobacco Control Cell placed with Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination

After the devolution of Ministry of Health, Tobacco Control Cell has been placed with Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination. This Ministry is thus responsible for taking necessary measures relating to tobacco control. Tobacco Control Cell is now placed under Non communicable diseases (NCDs) Desk in Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination.

Tobacco Control Cell was established in July, 2007 with aim to enhance tobacco control efforts in Pakistan. The Cell is accelerating tobacco control activities in Pakistan through multifaceted efforts starting from planning, resource mobilization, institutional strengthening, public-private partnership and monitoring.

Tobacco Control Cell Implemented Mass Media Campaigns on Tobacco Control

Tobacco Control Cell implemented two national anti-tobacco mass media campaigns to focus on the health harms of tobacco. In first campaign, a 30 second Public Service Message called “Sponge” was designed to turn tobacco users’ thoughts about quitting into active quit attempts by showing the real health harms of smoking. The second campaign featured a public service announcement (PSA) called “Tobacco Is Hollowing You Out”, that graphically highlighted the many harmful illnesses caused by tobacco use, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and oral cancers.


Tobacco Control Cell Produced Documentary Film on Tobacco Control

Tobacco Control Cell produced a documentary film on hazards of tobacco use, health hazards of secondhand tobacco smoke and sheesha, based on interviews of the patients (testimonials) suffered from diseases caused by tobacco use. Currently the film is available on Dailymotion and Youtube in Urdu. Same will be uploaded with English Subtitles soon. Following are the weblinks to Urdu version:

Tobacco - Threat to Environment